Beautiful Me
A collage art workshop where children build a unique piece of art where their individual face takes the center of a beautiful collage and other images that they select and identify as beautiful and mirrors their faces, appearances, hair and other features to instill self-love, a renewed perception of beauty in each child and dispel the stereotypical image seen in media as to what beauty is. The intention is to engage each child to have them reconsider what beauty is, to get them comfortable and begin to luxuriate in the concept that they, their individual faces and beings, are in fact beautiful. The children will take their collages home with them and encouraged to post on their walls as a reflection of their beautiful faces and a daily reminder of “Beautiful Me.”
Africa First
An introduction to the continent of Africa, it’s people and cultures. In many instances, a child’s first introduction to Africa are typically graphic, disturbing images and makes it challenging for a young child to proudly begin making identifications with their culture and history. This workshop provides information and knowledge about Africa, its culture, people, clothing, industries, resources. It is preemptive in instilling pride of being of African descent and teaching history and the importance of Africa in global history.
Reading – With Me, About Me, For Me
A series of small workshops, grouped by ages, in the format of a book group style thread where we read from selected books, stories and articles with characters and images representative of the workshop attendees. It builds self-confidence, self-love and empowers children when they are able to identify closely with characters and images in readings that they can form a strong association with and develop relatability, particularly in the form of physical likeness. As part of these workshops, academic growth and confidence is gained in reading.
Dance, Theater and Art
We provide workshops in the areas of dance, theater and art with our children who may, otherwise, not have an opportunity to be exposed or immersed in one of the arts. We strive to build self-confidence, pride and strong competency in the arts so that our children can excel in areas that they sometimes might have limited access. We stress opportunities to have children demonstrate their presentation skills, oral and communication skills and build boldness and confidence as they develop their public communication and leadership skills. Most programs culminate with a public performance.
Leadership Development
We work with our children developing leadership qualities and incorporating learning about leaders, both past and present, who they can identify with and can find relatability. This work involves developing skills and taking on responsibilities and roles in our communities that build strength and exercise leadership, confidence and exemplary character.
College and Future Readiness
Through small group mentorship, coaching and dialogue we work with high school students providing access to resources and information about college readiness and preparation, opportunities available to attend colleges, arrange college tours, assist with financial knowledge, scholarship opportunities and registration to applicable college-related websites and boards. In addition, we work with individuals who may not be on a path to college to provide access to resources for career readiness including coaching and mentoring, interview preparation, resume review and assistance with career information, recruiting agencies, specialized staffing opportunities.
Workshop for Educators, Administrators and Childhood Specialists
We facilitate customized workshops as appropriate to individual settings to heighten sensitivity about how a child’s self-esteem, self-confidence and sense of equalness and worth is established. Within our institutions of learning, the introduction of race, color, ethnicity and nationalism are introduced at a very early age. The approach to this introduction is critical for children of color to begin, at the earliest of age, identifying themselves in a positive way, including their self-identification with race, color, ethnicity. As educators, administrators and leaders we are sometimes not aware of how we, by default, introduce racism, preference and inequality in our lessons with our children. This workshop is designed to unpeel the layers of institutional racism and create heightened sensitivity in treating all children equally. While many educational institutions are doing a good deal in this arena, this workshop serves as a support and supplement to work already being done.